Saturday, June 2, 2007

What fun!

For the first time Ashlyn and Olivia were able to be in the bath together. It was a great photo-op. Olivia is really trying to sit-up on her own. Pretty soon she will be on the move all by herself.

Ashlyn is such a grown-up little girl. She cracks me up all the time with her silliness. Last weekend Ashlyn and I had a Mommy and Ashlyn day. We went to Shrek the Third, ate lunch together and went to the Mall to buy Ashlyn a big girl necklace and purse. The second we were done at the store she had to carry her purse on her shoulder all around the Mall. We had a great time and laughed a ton. It is hard to believe my first baby is almost four. I really do not know where the time went.

Look who is 5 months now. Olivia can almost roll over both ways. She loves to play and be on the floor. She even tries to move by scooting.
Olivia has discovered that when people leave the room they come rushing back when she screeches as loud as she possibly can. She is quite proud of the power she has on us. :)

Olivia decided that she is a hungry girl. She can now eat a whole size 1 of baby food along with a 6oz bottle of formula 2-3 times per day and then still has several more bottles during her day....... Here she enjoyed sweet potatoes all over herself. She gets so involved with her hands that I cannot keep her clean!

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