Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Awana Awards - Sparks

Ashlyn completed her 3rd year of Awana. This year she completed her entire book for 1st year!
Ashlyn at her awards ceremony

Ashlyn and Miss Jennifer (Ashlyn's table leader)


A nice lady from church took these pictures of Olivia on Easter Sunday, while she was in nursery. They turned out so cute!
If you look really close. It says potty me please.

Easter Sunday 2009

Easter Surprises and for Ashlyn another visit from the toothfairy. Ashlyn lost her second bottom tooth.
Yummy, Candy before breakfast.


Olivia never sits still.

After church all the cousins were able to have an easter egg hunt!!

4th Annual Easter egg coloring party!

Ashlyn, Kailey, Colby Olivia - Cousins are fun!!!!

The final product! Later turned into deviled eggs.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Family Visit

We had to go out of town yesterday to visit Jake's grandma, who was in the hospital, while we were down vivisting we were able to visit with my grandma on my Dad's side. The girls had a great time playing at their great-grandma's house.

We went out to pizza with Jake's extended family and my dad and grandma were able to join us.

What a long day for us all!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vegetable Garden

Ashlyn and Jake worked very hard last Friday preping an area in our back yard for the vegetable garden I have wanted to grow since we bought our house at the end of August. Ashlyn did all the shoveling of the new dirt to the wheel barrow and Jake hauled each load. Ashlyn loves helping with projects around the house and is more help to Jake than I am.

Cute Girl!

Olivia is growing so fast and is now potty trained! AMEN!!!! We only have pull-ups for night time and will be done before baby#3 comes. Very exciting for me!!!!


Look who had a visit from the toothfairy and is about to have another one. Ashlyn has lost her first tooth and is getting ready for the next to come out. She is very excited about the $1.00 the toothfairy leaves.

Big Hitters Baseball

Ashlyn has officially started her third season of baseball. The last two were Tball now she has moved up to coach-pitch and I am coaching that team this year. We had our first game on Saturday and they did very well considering we only had one formal practice before.

By popular request here is the schedule:
04/04/09 at 2:00pm
04/11/09 at 10:15am
04/18/09 at 10:15am
04/25/09 at 11:30am
05/02/09 at 11:30am
05/09/09 at 9:00am

Jakes latest obsession

Jake and the girls came home about a month ago with a 2007 Dodge Mega cab. Here it is!

Turbo and the girls

Turbo, our family cat, has been part of our family since Jake and I first got married. She now loves Ashlyn now that Ashlyn is not a wild toddler. She really cannot stand Olivia, but maybe with time.
Ashlyn tells us that Turbo is her cat now.Olivia is banned from the cat because she doesn't get that the cat doesn't like to be stepped on, sat on or thrown.