Thursday, September 20, 2007


More fun at home

We were practicing being in the big girl carseat.
Olivia will still have to be rear-facing, but she should enjoy the car rides even more!

Ashlyn wanted both to have hats on!

Here is Ashlyn in my heels

Almost Crawling!

Olivia is all over the place now. She is almost crawling. She gets up on all fours and rocks back and forth. She scoots and worms her way all over the entire house.

Football is upon us!

Football has definately started...
This is the Sunday at home attire. In Washington this is Seahawk country. Apparently Jake did not get the memo. Jake is a Patriots fan!! And of course they are 2-0 so far!

Monday, September 10, 2007

First day of Preschool

Checkout the new backpack. Yes, the pony does really have hair!

Well, I dropped Ashlyn off at her first day of preschool. She cannot wait to grow-up she says. I was sad this afternoon not really knowing what to do with her gone. It sure was quiet. (except for the teething 8 month old!)

Ear Piercing

One of Ashlyn's Birthday gifts from us was to get her ears pierced. She was so brave and only cried for 2 seconds.

Now look very closely at her ears. The small sparkely pink are her new earrings.

Happy Birthday Ashlyn!

Saturday Ashlyn turned 4 years old! She had a awesome day! Here are some pictures of the barbeque we had for her. My Brother got her this electric scooter to grow in to.

Olivia slept through most of the party, but she did get a chance to wear the Tinkerbell party hats.

Fun School Clothes

Ashlyn and I had a great time this summer buying a whole new wardrobe for pre-school. We wanted to make sure she felt like a big girl taking on a new adventure. Here is one of the oufits that she loves. She sure looks like Daddy in these pictures!

Pre-School Open House

Ashlyn had her pre-school open house on Friday. She was soooo excited to play for a little bit and see where she will be in pre-sch0ol at. Here is Ashlyn with her teacher.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Ashlyn is Awesome!

Here is Ashlyn and Jake starting a war on the couch last night.

Ashlyn trying to attack Jake. She really thinks this is very funny!

I think I am going to have this one blown up for her 4 year picture because I love it sooo much. Ashlyn turns 4 on saturday and starts pre-school monday afternoon. She is growing-up fast!

First time with watermelon!

Olivia was able to eat watermelon thanks to this cool invention. It is a mesh bag with a handle so she can suck out the juice without choking on watermelon chunks. She also had a banana with this new feeding tool.

Week 2 of not working outside the home.....

The last few weeks have been very interesting. I have always worked outside of the home and once we decided I would become a stay at home mom and wife I have been soooooo busy organizing and cleaning. By the time I decide to start college classes I may just have to remodel the entire house :)
(Just kidding)

With that being said the end of last week I talked to Jake about needing a project to do.
I decided to sand and stain the deck on the back of our house.

So Friday and Saturday I started pulling staples out, left from the carpet that was on the deck when we first moved in, then I sunk all of the nails and sanded the entire thing.

Here is the deck before the stain.

Here is the deck after all of my hard work. It turned out awesome!

Jake put new redwoods around the backyard flower beds while I did the deck. The girls played outside all weekend!

Before the new redwoods.......

After the new redwoods. This looks much better......