Monday, May 21, 2007

Sisterly Love

Ashlyn and Olivia are at a fun stage. Olivia loves her big sister and can't get enough of watching her. Ashlyn talks to her and plays with her as much as she can. Of course they both need pictures taken together. Ashlyn's beat-up eye was from her little cousin. Needless to say she did not win the fight.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Little Miss Ashlyn

Ashlyn loves visiting her Great-Great Aunt and Uncle's house. She finds plenty to do out there. When she comes home from there she talks about them and the things she got to do. Here is some of the fun she has.

Little Miss Olivia

Olivia is obsessed with her hands. She constantly has them in her mouth. I was trying to get her to smile with her hands down, but she did not want to.

Tiny girl on such a big couch!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Stroud girls

Yummy squash & rice cereal
Olivia had her first taste of solids

Bath time is her favorite!!!!!

Ashlyn followed the outside container and made a person. I couldn't believe it. She is amazing with puzzles.

Job Interview

Today, May 11, 2007, Jake was offered the new postition that he interviewed for and he accepted. As of June 1 he will start his new career. What an answered prayer for us!

Jacob had his first interview for a civilian job since we received word that he was going to go through the medical board process in the USCG. His interview went well. Hopefully we will hear soon what the decision is. It was strange to see him out of uniform.
This is an amazing shot of a CG boat facing surf. This is Jacob's passion, unfortunely this is not safe for his back. I am so proud of his CG accomplishments and can't wait to see what the future holds in the civilian life.